POSIX Extension

Erick Gallesio
Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
930 route des Colles, BP 145
F-06903 Sophia Antipolis, Cedex
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STklos Extensions

1 Introduction

This extension exposes POSIX functionalities in STklos. Note that this version is very incomplete and only a few POSIX functionalities are available for now.

2 Basic Usage

To use this extension you need to include the following form in your program:

(require "stklos-posix")
(import stklos-posix)

The functions of this extension may set a special parameter value when an error occurs. The mechanism used is described here (see also Error management for more information). In general a function returns a useful result (or #t if no useful value is possible) if no error is detected. When a function detects an error, it returns #f. The error number is then available through the posix-errno parameter and a string describing the error can be built by the posix-error primitive.

3 Posix API

3.1 Directories Functions

(posix-change-directory path)STklos procedure

Change the current directory to "path". Return #t in case of sucess.

(posix-current-directory)STklos procedure

Return the current directory if possible. When an error occurs, this function returns #f.

(posix-make-directory path)STklos procedure

Create a directory with name "path". Return #t in case of sucess.

(posix-delete-directory path)STklos procedure

Delete the directory "path". Return #t in case of sucess.

(posix-make-link old-path new-path)STklos procedure

Create a hard link with the filename "new-path" that points to the file named "old-path". Return #t in case of sucess.

(posix-delete-link old-path new-path)STklos procedure

Create a symbolic link with the filename "new-path" that points to the file named "old-path". Return #t in case of sucess.

(posix-file-is-symbolic-link? path)STklos procedure

Return #t if "path" designates a symbolic link and #f othewise.

(posix-read-symbolic-link path)STklos procedure

Return a string containing the filename to which the symbolic link "path" points to.

3.3 Error management

When an error occurs POSIX sets the errno global variable to a return code describing the error. This error code is available from the posix-errno Scheme parameter.
(posix-errno)STklos procedure
(posix-errno value)

Return the value of the POSIX errno variable. When a value is passed to the posix-errno, this value is set to the POSIX errno variable.

(posix-error)STklos procedure

Return a string describing the last POSIX error detected.

Furthermore, the POSIX extension defines also the following constants for representing POSIX error numbers.

posix/e2big posix/eacces posix/eaddrinuse
posix/eaddrnotavail posix/eafnosupport posix/eagain
posix/ealready posix/ebadf posix/ebadmsg
posix/ebusy posix/ecanceled posix/echild
posix/econnaborted posix/econnrefused posix/econnreset
posix/edeadlk posix/edestaddrreq posix/edom
posix/edquot posix/eexist posix/efault
posix/efbig posix/ehostunreach posix/eidrm
posix/eilseq posix/einprogress posix/eintr
posix/einval posix/eio posix/eisconn
posix/eisdir posix/eloop posix/emfile
posix/emlink posix/emsgsize posix/emultihop
posix/enametoolong posix/enetdlown posix/enetreset
posix/enetunreach posix/enfile posix/enobufs
posix/enodata posix/enodev posix/enoent
posix/enoexec posix/enolck posix/enolink
posix/enomem posix/enomsg posix/enoprotoopt
posix/enospc posix/enosr posix/enostr
posix/enosys posix/enotconn posix/enotdlir
posix/enotempty posix/enotsock posix/enotsup
posix/enotty posix/enxio posix/eopnotsupp
posix/eoverflow posix/eperm posix/epipe
posix/eproto posix/eprotonosupport posix/eprototype
posix/erange posix/erofs posix/espipe
posix/esrch posix/estale posix/etime
posix/etimedout posix/etxtbsy posix/ewouldblock

3.4 System Informations

(posix-file-informations path)STklos procedure

Return a keyword list describing the cureent status of file "path".
(posix-file-informations "/")
           ⇒ (:dev 770 :ino 2 :mode 16877 :nlink 17 :uid 0 :gid 0 
               :size 4096 :atime 1115017161 :mtime 1134028671 
               :ctime 1134028671)

The following constants are defined to analyse the bits of the mode component returned by posix-file-informations:

posix/ifsock posix/iflnk posix/ifreg posix/ifblk
posix/ifdir posix/ifchr posix/ififo posix/isuid
posix/isgid posix/isvtx posix/irwxu posix/irusr
posix/iwusr posix/ixusr posix/irwxg posix/irgrp
posix/iwgrp posix/ixgrp posix/irwxo posix/iroth
posix/iwoth posix/ixoth

(posix-file-permissions path)STklos procedure

Return the permissions flag associated to "path" if the file is accesible. Return #f ostherwise.

(posix-uid->string uid)STklos procedure

Return the login name associated to uid.

(posix-uid->string logname)STklos procedure

Return the uid associated to the logname.

(posix-gid->string uid)STklos procedure

Return the group name associated to gid.

(posix-uid->string grpname)STklos procedure

Return the gid associated to the grpname.

(posix-user-id)STklos procedure

Return the user id of the running process.

(posix-group-id)STklos procedure

Return the group id of the running process.

(posix-effective-user-id)STklos procedure

Return the effective user id of the running process.

(posix-effective-group-id)STklos procedure

Return the effective group id of the running process.

4 Example

Here is a simple program using the STklos Posix extension. It displays some information of the path given as parameter

(require "stklos-posix")
(import stklos-posix)

(define (usage)
  (format (current-error-port) "Usage: ~A file\n" (program-name))
  (exit 1))

(define (bit-set? bit in)
  (= (bit-and bit in) bit))
(define (main args)
  (if (not (= (length args) 2))
    (let ((stat (posix-file-informations (cadr args))))
      (if (not stat)
           (format (current-error-port) "Return code ~S. Message ~S\n"
                   (posix-errno) (posix-error))
           (let ((mode (key-get stat :mode)))
             (format #t "Type of file: ~A\n"
                   ((bit-set? posix/ifsock mode) "socket")
                   ((bit-set? posix/iflnk  mode) "symbolic link")                    
                   ((bit-set? posix/ifreg  mode) "regular file")
                   ((bit-set? posix/ifblk  mode) "block device")                    
                   ((bit-set? posix/ifchr  mode) "character device")
                   ((bit-set? posix/ifdir  mode) "directory")))
             (format #t "Owner: ~A\n"
                      (posix-uid->string (key-get stat :uid)))
             (format #t "Group: ~A\n"
                      (posix-gid->string (key-get stat :gid))))))))

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